
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Alito Hearing Resources 

Here are some useful resources on the Alito hearings:

NPR News Coverage
Alito Questionnare
New York Times Coverage - includes articles, editorials, multimedia resources, and public opinion polls.

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New Law Blog 

The Wall Street Journal is now offering a law blog. This blog, which is authored by Peter Lattman, "focuses on law and business, and the business of law." Check it out at: http://blogs.wsj.com/law/

Source: Robert Ambrogi's Law Sites

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New Lexis Database - AAA Labor Arbitration Awards 

Lexis has a new searchable database of American Arbitration Association awards. Some of the industries covered include: Education, Food Services, Manufacturing; Sports and Entertainment; and Transportation. Although this database only includes decisions back to January, 2003, it is a good resource for dispute resolution awards. To path to this resource is: Legal > Area of Law - By Topic > Labor & Employment > American Arbitration Association > AAA Labor Arbitration Awards.

Source: LexisNexis Information Professional Update

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Friday, January 06, 2006

New Titles in the Library 

The New Acquisitions List for December 2005 is done and up on Archer, the online catalog, at: http://library.law.suffolk.edu/screens/Dec.html.

Source: Julie Ann Hogan, Copy Cataloger

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