
Thursday, February 14, 2008

EEOC Discrimination Cases 

The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently instituted the
E-RACE Initiative, "designed to improve EEOC’s efforts to ensure workplaces are free of race and color discrimination. " As part of the E-RACE Initiative, the EEOC has compiled a list of significant EEOC race/color cases in both the private and federal sectors. The list contains brief sumaries of the EEOC's actions in about 100 cases from 2005 to the present, categorized by heading. For example, under the broad heading Employment Practices, cases are subdivided under subheadings such as Hiring, Compensation Disparity, and Retaliation; under the broad heading Types of Race/Color Discrimination, cases are subdivided under subheadings such as Color Discrimination, Same Race Discrimination, and Code Words. A very useful resource.

Source: Adjunct Law Prof Blog

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