
Friday, January 29, 2010

SCOTUS wiki 

Some of you may be familiar with with SCOTUSblog as a great source for news about U.S. Supreme Court cases but you may not know they have a relatively new wiki.

The SCOTUSwiki has information for cases argued before the Supreme Court since the October 2009 siting. The types of information you can find are briefs and other filings, opinion recaps, oral & pre-argument recaps, and further information, such as media and blog coverage. Using the Watchlist feature, you can even track changes that are made to wiki pages about specific cases you are following.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NYT Article: The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now 

Confused about the privacy changes Facebook made back in December? Check out this New York Times article that ran on January 20, 2010.


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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Supreme Court Overturns Corporate Campaign Spending Ban 

In a 5-4 decision the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on First Amendment grounds that Congress may not bar corporations and unions from using their own money to make expenditures to support or oppose candidates for office. Justice Stevens wrote a 90 page dissent: http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-205.pdf

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Friday, January 22, 2010

LexisNexis iPhone/iPod App 

As mentioned previously, there's a version of Westlaw optimized for use on small devices like smartphones. Not to be outdone, LexisNexis has a free app for using their system on an iPhone or iPod Touch. You can find the app by going to the iTunes store and searching for LexisNexis.

The app allows you to read or Shepardize a case on LexisNexis when you have a citation. The Shepard's feature is very limited, however, and doesn't include links to citing cases. So you can find out whether or not a case is likely to still be good, but you can't read or even get the citations to the cases that have reversed, questioned, criticized, or explained it.

See Legal Geekery for a detailed review of the app.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Governor Patrick Signs Education Bill 

Governor Deval Patrick will sign a education bill at a ceremony on Martin Luther King Day at the Children’s Museum. The bill will double the number of charter school seats in the state’s lowest-performing districts and would give superintendents power to overhaul failing schools


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Friday, January 15, 2010

GC Compensation 

For those of you considering corporate law, see the latest law.com GC Annual Compensation Survey: http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202437895015&src=EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=Law.com&pt=LAWCOM%20Newswire&cn=NW_20100113&kw=Great%20Responsibility%20Comes%20With%20Great%20Pay%2C%20GC%20Survey%20Shows&hbxlogin=1# (article with pertinent stats and links).

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Senate Race - Information 

Don't forget to vote on Tuesday, Jan. 19th.

Scott Brown Website: http://brownforussenate.com/
Martha Coakley Website: http://www.marthacoakley.com/

Find your polling place: http://www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.php

Find out how the candidates stand on important issues: http://ontheissues.org/default.htm and http://www.votesmart.org/ - both provide information about the candidates in the Mass senate race.


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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Accessing Westlaw on Mobile Devices 

Say you'd like to use Westlaw on your smartphone or a small wireless device like an iPod touch but don't like how cramped it looks on the small screen. Now there's a solution: Westlaw Wireless, a version of Westlaw optimized for the smaller screens on mobile devices.

To use Westlaw Wireless, just open your device's Web browser and go to wl-w.com or wireless.westlaw.com. When you log in you'll have to enter a Client ID, which you don't have to do when logging in to the law school version of Westlaw, but this can be anything you want. (The Client ID is used by researchers who need to keep track of who's going to be billed for Westlaw usage - something students don't have to worry about).

Although you'll get much of the functionality of full Westlaw, the wireless version seems best suited to finding and reading cases or statutes, or using KeyCite to check the status of a case or statute, when you have a citation.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

16th Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference at Yale 

The RebLaw Conference is an annual, student-run conference that brings together practitioners, law students, and community advocates from around the country to discuss innovative, progressive approaches to law and social change. It will be held at Yale Law School, February 19 - 21, 2010. For more details, go here.


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Monday, January 11, 2010

Animal Law Conference at Harvard 

The Future of Animal Law will be held at Harvard Law School, April 9 – 11, 2010. The Conference is sponsored by the Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Harvard Law School Student ALDF chapter. For more information about this event, go here.

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